Wednesday 2 July 2014


You may be wondering what this telephone number of the human body is. Read on. You will find out.
We have earlier seen the construction of the body and fuel required for the 3T Machine auto mobile. Fine; car is ready; fuel tank is full; what next? It has to move.

Motor Nerves

For movement of parts, special wires known as motor nerves are connected to organs. When movement is called for, these wires work so that movement takes place. Remember even they are made of the raw material CELL. These high tension wires must work with perfect precision so long as the human car is on the road. Otherwise movement will get affected. When we say movement it’s simply not moving from bedroom to bathroom alone. It’s the movement of internal organs as well. That now brings us to the topic of telephone number of the body.

Sensory Nerves

Imagine you are sitting in your hall reading a newspaper. You are automatically drawn to the kitchen as your wife is making a fabulous breakfast. You are only reading newspaper, but what made you to move to the kitchen. There was a telephone call to you from inside your nose.

Once you started eating such nice food, you will forget all the fight you had with her an hour ago and start praising her as the connoisseur of food on Earth. Why? Yes, there was a telephone call from your tongue.

You are busy talking to your lover, forgetting the whole world around you. Suddenly a mosquito bites you. Whosoever be the most beloved lover, howsoever be the interesting conversation, you will stop all that and your attention will be drawn to the site of the mosquito bite. How does it happen? There was a telephone call from inside the body (your skin) to leave the lover and attend to the tiny mosquito. At that time mosquito will become the “most beloved” than the most beloved lover.
 You are driving your car. On the platform a beautiful blonde is passing by. Your head instead of looking at the road makes a slight turn, getting the car into a dangerous accident. Why? Did the blonde cause the about – to –be accident? No. There was a telephone call from your eyes.

You finished a nice savoury dinner and sleep is trying to overtake you. You are lying on the cot. At that time the radio plays your most favourite song. In that great ambience sleep certainly overtakes you. Why? Oh! There was a telephone call from your ears.
Body’s Telephone Number
Sensory nerves trigger,
Count from A as 1, B as 2, you will have ‘S’ as 19, ‘T’ as 20 and ‘H’ as 8. These sensory organs keep on ringing you when needed. This is movement, enabled by the respective wires – Sensory Nerves.
SO the Telephone Number of the body is :-
Health of this telephone number is very critical for your life. But for some it doesn’t maintain.
We discussed about DARE (Digestion, Assimilation, Respiration and Elimination) in the previously. Without the DARE no person can hope to survive on this earth.

What happens in DARE

It’s a process and a function for the Human 3T Machine. The car, when fuel is injected, starts
moving. The meaning of movement is not simply “moving”. It’s in other words, “burning”. When the fuel is burnt only the car can move. When it moves, the fuel is converted into energy which energises the car parts to move. In the process of moving, the energy thus produced also makes unwanted materials as wastes which are not useful for the car. These unwanted materials if allowed to accumulate in the car; they will slowly corrode the engine and later other parts too. Therefore elimination plays a major role in the proper upkeep of the car.

Similarly in the Human 3T Machine, when air, food and water as nutrients are used to energise the CELLs of the body, the waste materials (which produce TOXINs) should not get accumulated. If allowed, these toxins will corrode the normal functioning of the Cells. Therefore the elimination process of the body must work at a very high precision level.

I am deliberately using Cells, not Organs, because at a later date when we introduce Aloe vera we can easily link and see the power of Aloe vera and its contribution in maintaining the health of Cells.
 Is there such a high precision material in the Human 3T machine to eliminate Toxins?


 When we construct a big home or an office or factory we appoint security guards to protect them from thieves. The same way the Engineer who made our 3T Factory has appointed 2 Security Guards and named them as IMMUNE CELLS. Because our body’s raw material is cell, even the Security Guards are called as Immune Cells.

Immune Cells

These are ‘T immune cells & B immune cells’. We will not go into the complex system of these cells, but try to understand broadly their functions.
 ‘T4’ immune cells
‘T’ immune cells are usually called ‘T4’ immune cells.  
They ‘Kill’ the invading disease-causing enemy cells. They ‘Help’ such killing activity. When ‘killing’ of invading organism is completed, ‘Suppressors’ bring a halt to the ‘killing activity’. ‘Cytotoxic’ cells fight against cancer cells improving ‘Apoptosis’ action. Similarly ‘B immune cells’ also exert immune activity.
I have described immune cells involved in protection action. There are many of them which we will not concentrate on except only one extra than ‘T4 & B’ immune cells, that is, ‘Macrophages’.


These are like ‘corporation street cleaners’. They have the job of cobbling up ‘unwanted materials’ and keep a clean field so that organs do their designated duty.

Strengthening immune cells

This is the primary job of you, me and all to keep the immune cells strong so that we are healthy. For e.g. when Macrophages are strengthened, ‘toxin cleansing’ activity gets improved. There are no specific medicines to strengthen the immune cells. When diseases attack the body, they attack ‘security guards’ so that it’s easy for them to gain entry inside the organs. Only naturally occurring products can protect, maintain and improve immune cells. Macro, micro nutrients, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants etc. can only improve immune cells.
 Aloe vera is not a mere anti-oxidant with vitamins and minerals. It contains certain very important biologically active compounds that exert multifarious actions in the body.

We discussed about the Security Guards of the body. Protection of the body is ensured right from our ‘birth’ inside our mother. Growth of the body and growth of security guards take place simultaneously. As the body matures, security also matures and stand as guard all through our life.
 It’s logical to say that as long as the security guards are healthy, that much long the protection power remains healthy. Should at any time the power of security guards take a beating, it will pave the way for thieves (diseases) to enter and cause destruction of the functioning of organs. At that time, you will require ‘treatment’ to dispel diseases.

Protection of Security Guards

However most of us are happy when diseases are dispelled. Matter doesn’t stop there as many think. Extension of treatment should include simultaneous ‘treatment of security guards’. But there is no medicine that can give such treatment to immune cells. Only nature has an answer to that.

Declining power of protection

We are comparing our body with an automobile for the purpose of understanding. Wear and tear is a natural process of any material. Our body is no exception to that. This means the ability for protection also goes down as age advances.
This is the worst kind of scenario in one’s life. When lifestyle diseases strike at a senior age we start blaming everything and everyone for our predicament. Many start telling others that ‘this life is no longer required’. 

Aloe vera  & Security Guards 

If we understand and appreciate this in the right stride and take ‘protection action’ through natural products that can ‘power the immune cells’, then, even in one's senior age, one can live healthy without being dependent on others. But for that, action has to be taken right now at a young age.
The ‘multi-ingredient marvel’ of Aloe Vera not only helps in relieving the body of its discomforts, but offer a natural protection to immune cells; help strengthen the ‘macrophagial’ action of cleansing the bodily toxins that cause diseases.
Living long and healthy lies In the health of immune cells Daily use of Aloe Vera is a certain answer for
Longevity of life through cellular protection

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