Wednesday 2 July 2014


We have seen that the Director of the Body Orchestra is the
MIND. The body will function as directed by the mind. It can direct in the way it wants and the body will perform as per its dictate. If so, then all in this world must either be only good or bad; all must be either successful or total failures; all must be either pinkish in health or diseased. But in reality it’s different. There must be some reason.
Mind Dimensions
Mind is like a monkey. It’s never static but dynamic. It has the capacity to be in India now and within a second can be in USA, next second in Australia and in the next second on the Moon. It  can  make  the body  to be happy  and
sorrowful within a split second. It can make one smile or cry just like that. It can keep the body in trail by its nature.

If the nature is positive it can make you think, talk and do positive things. At the same time if its nature is negative it can make you think, talk and do negative things.

This nature is known as EGO.
There is a popular belief that one should not have ego. The reality is whether one likes it or not, he/she will certainly have Ego. Without Ego a sane person can’t function in this world. He has to be lunatic otherwise. There are 2 types of Ego.

Positive  Ego
  • A person whose mind is trained to be Positive.
  • Is self-confident.
  • Sees opportunity in any situation.
  • Helps others.
  • Takes failures as stepping stones for ultimate success.
  • Celebrates others' success.
  • Success never gets into his/her head.
  • Is cool like a cucumber.

Negative  Ego 

  • A person whose mind is always negative, Is arrogant in his/her behaviour.  
  • Even occasional success swells his/her head.
  • Never appreciates others.
  • Sees a catch in anything that he/she sees.
  • When success comes, he/she takes credit.
  • When failure comes, he/she blames others.
  • Never can find a solution, but stays put with issues. 
The list is enormous. You may have seen these types of behaviours in people and they are spread all over the world.
Why I am elaborating on this MIND aspect is because it has a strong bearing on our health.


While the body gets toxins from Food, Air and Water – they being outside materials going inside the body – the inside invisible Director of the body – MIND - can also produce Toxins and the name of the same is
Doctors all over the world, when taking the history of the patient, conclude that Stress Factor is one of the major contributors for High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Hormonal Imbalances and related complications and so on. Therefore in keeping Good Health, Mind plays a major role. 

In the construction of the human body we have learnt about,


All the organs have to function in order for the 3T auto mobile to function. One cannot function contrary to what duty has been assigned to it. Imagine you are going to a music concert with dinner. There you see many instruments of music and a vocalist too. Suppose each instrument creates some sound that does not match with the “note” written by the music director, what will happen? You may even skip the lovely dinner offered there and run back home, as you can’t stand the jarring sound which should otherwise be soothing to your ears. Therefore there must be harmony in the orchestra troupe matching with the note.

Body Orchestra
Similarly the entire body is designed to function as an orchestra troupe. Each organ has to function as per what “note” has been written for it. A simple example will explain this.
When you eat food, the food pipe (esophagus) has to open and simultaneously the windpipe (pharynx) has to close. Otherwise the food instead of going to the stomach, will straight drain into the lungs. What will happen then? You may have experienced this sometimes, that when you eat hurriedly, by chance a single piece of food goes inside the wind pipe, it’s thrown out vigorously. Because it causes disharmony in the system that the food pipe has to take food items and the wind pipe to take only air. Any mismatch will create a jarring situation.  

This is known as Homoeostasis. Our aim in keeping good health is to keep homoeostasis of our body at all times, that is keeping the system in harmony. Otherwise you have to go to the body mechanic’s shop (doctor’s clinic) to do repair work. That is costly, time consuming and the materials used (medicines) may produce side effects while giving effects. To treat side effects you will be forced to take different medicine. Why all these trouble? Keep the orchestra in harmony.
This is known as Homoeostasis. Our aim in keeping good health is to keep homoeostasis of our body at all times, that is keeping the system in harmony. Otherwise you have to go to the body mechanic’s shop (doctor’s clinic) to do repair work. That is costly, time consuming and the materials used (medicines) may produce side effects while giving effects. To treat side effects you will be forced to take different medicine. Why all these trouble? Keep the orchestra in harmony.

Although bodily functions are determined by the organs and their function thereof, MIND is the most essential element that determines the day to day life of the body.
If MIND is everything, why some are successful, some are failing, why some are healthy and some are not, why some are wealthy and some are always in want?

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