Tuesday 29 April 2014

Human being are the creations of nature. They drew every things needed for their very survival from nature. The Air they breathe, the water they drink, the food they eat and thousands of articles they use daily, all comes from nature. Nature also has provided us with inherent defense mechanisms to fight any harmful bacteria causing diseases. Yet, strongly  enough, man keeps a hostile attitude towards nature. The Food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe which provide nutrition and oxygen for our body cells (We are bundle of Cells) are also polluted and stuffed with toxins. What started as a symptom, turned in diseases & when toxins get anchored in tissues and organs they become chronic & captive. Slowly we are dependent an chemical medicines for the normal function of our body organs. Chemical medicines produce lots of side effects for our body. Body over a period of time gets immuned to drugs, so that the same does and drugs do not give desired results and lead us to become dependent on them. We get caught in the whirlpool of medicines. This is when nature provides with abundance of opportunity to overcome such dependency. Aloe Vera play a very major role in improving our immune system.

For over 3,500 years, tales of "healing Aloe Vera" plants have been handed down through centuries by word of mouth. It is probably one of the most discussed, but least understood medicinal plants in history. From the Bible's mention of removing Christ from the cross and wrapping his body in Aloes and myrrh, (John 19:39), we find Aloe Vera mysteriously appearing in every phase of history, with many testimonials to its great medicinal values.
There are over 300 species of Aloe, but it is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera or "true Aloe") plant which has been of most use of mankind because of the medicinal properties it displays.

Some of the bodily benefits due to the ingredients are :
1. Help in maintaining homeostasis
2. Improve oxygen carrying capacity
3. Regeneration of cells.
4. Regulation of Respiratory, Digestive and sleep Cycles

Clinically many testimonials all over the world are available with good results :

1. Maintain / reduce blood sugar levels
2. Reduce LDL cholesterol & Triglycerides
3. Improvement in relieving Psoriatic patches
4. Increase in hemoglobin levels
5. Relief of Asthmatic bouts
6. Reduction of pain in Arthritic patients
7. Relief of Poly Cysts in ovaries
8. Regulation of Respiratory, Digestive and Sleep Cycles
9. Beneficial effects in various forms of cancer
10. Relief in Migraine attacks
11. Relief from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

Scores of research articles which corroborate the effectiveness of Aloe Vera are available when peruse in literature. However, it's not a replacement for any medicine. It's an integrated approach to get qualitative results.

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