Tuesday 6 May 2014


Our earlier gurus divide our body in 3 parts. That's 
However Medical Gurus described it as Machine. What kind of machine is this ? It is known as 3T machine.

3T Machine :-
Human body actually is a moving machine. It is created by the nature. It's movement depends on the good performance of some vital organ's in our body and its performs by itself. Whoever artificial mechanism is a inert matter but our body is not inert, it has life and work like a moving machine. What kind of machine is this? It is actually 3T machine.

When fuel is end the artificial automobile will simply stop moving. Whereas the human automobile will send a massage that the fuel supply is required. The signal is nothing it is called HUNGER. So it can TALK.

When you see a obstruction on the road you simply move aside. But artificial automobile machine will fall straight into if you don't control it. So human automobile can THINK.
Bacteria live everywhere. You can find bacteria (microbes) in the air; on food, plants and animals; in soil and water. Every micro second, millions of live bacteria or viruses bombard our body. If they were to be successful all time, within seconds of our birth we would have been dead. However for millions of years we are surviving as a human race. How is this possible?

That's where the secret lies. The moving human machine can TREAT by itself. By default a treating mechanism is provided in this LIVE machine by the nature who designed it. As long as that "Treating Mechanism" is strong, this machine will do its designated duty by itself. Scientist referred it "WORLD BEST DOCTOR". 

This "Treating Mechanism" is what is called as IMMUNITY.


The next blog will tell you that!